Our desire is to not only serve food, but to reach out in friendship and the Love of our Lord Jesus to the hurting, broken in spirit and often in mind. Jesus came to "heal the broken hearted, to bind up the wounds, and to set the captive free" and our desire is to be His Hand extended, reaching out to the oppressed.
Over the past 17 years, the Northern Gateway Community Chaplaincy, itself a registered charity, has worked in close coordination with us at our kitchen while doing a broader work on the streets and in the community of The Pas and OCN. The chaplaincy is funded by grants from the Town of The Pas and the RM of Kelsey as well as donations of monies from various churches, service groups and individuals. Lorraine Packo is the present chaplain for NGCC and her office is located at 155 Larose Avenue. The chaplaincy phone # is 204-620-0887,
Funding for Living Water soup kitchen comes from our church, along with free will donations of cash or food from the various churches and individuals in our community and elsewhere. We do not receive any government funding or grants. God, through His people, has always given us an abundant supply. He is truly El Shaddai - More than Enough!
If you want to learn more about the soup kitchen ministry, make a donation, or come on staff as a volunteer, call Pastor Betty Olson at 204-620-2741 or 204-623-3123 and leave a message for the pastor.